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  • Writer's pictureKeola McAlester-Padilla

Power Point: Mico{Soft} What A Joke!

Humans, Its Okay If You Don't Know How To Use To Use The Computer, Or Its Software. This Is A Lie, Only If You Have Access To A Computer, Or Privelaged. What If You Live In A 3rd World Poor Country {USA}, Rural, Poor, Ghetto, Public School System. Like I {Keola} Had To Grow Up In The 1990s-2002{Oklahoma}! I Didn't Have Access To These Resources Like The Wealthy White Kids, In MI School, So Why Should I Have Felt Bad, Because I "Poor": I Wasn't Dumb, I Was Poor, And Lacked The Resources Which Widely Available To Everyone Else. I Came From A Poor Army Family, And I Shouldn't Been Singled Out Of Technology Because Of $$$$, But That Was Reality For Me. But Now I Can Develop Your Web, So Whose Laughing Now, Lol! Don't Need Micro{Soft} Or Its Bullshit To Do It, Either, Bye Microsoft: Go To Hell! Quit Putting Limits On Your Technology So DA Poor Caint Have Access To, Fall Down Micro{Soft}: Serve Your Technology To Your Master satan in Hell, Now Rotate!

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